
Juul Labs believes, and evidence demonstrates, that flavors can play an important role in helping adult smokers transition away from combustible cigarettes. The Food and Drug Administration has issued guidance stating that, for cartridge-based vapor products, all flavors other than tobacco and menthol cannot be marketed without premarket authorization from the Agency. Juul Labs fully supports and is complying with this U.S. federal policy. Prior to the guidance being issued, we proactively suspended the sale and distribution of all flavored JUUL products other than tobacco and menthol.

We believe that, at a minimum, flavors should be allowed to mirror the flavors in which tobacco products are available locally to help those smokers transition; additional flavors may also be appropriate if steps are taken to limit their access and appeal to underage persons. Any restrictions on ingredients should be based on sound science, realistic exposure levels, and consideration of their potential to promote adult transition from combustible cigarettes and of the relative risks to combustible cigarettes.