JUUL Labs has pledged support for Tobacco 21 legislation and our teams are actively working with lawmakers wherever legislation is being considered. Tobacco 21 laws are critical, as they directly address the largest access point youth have to tobacco and vapor products – peers of legal age. JUUL Labs remains committed to preventing underage use while providing a satisfying alternative to the world’s deadliest consumer product – cigarettes.
We are committed to working with lawmakers to enact these effective policies.”
Kevin Burns, JUUL Labs CEO
JUUL Labs commissioned and funded Morning Consult to independently design, administer, and analyze an online poll of 30,000 adults throughout the country, on whether or not they support legislation to raise the minimum purchase age of tobacco products, including vapor products, from 18 to 21.
Our ads advocating for Tobacco 21 legislation will run throughout the country in digital, print, and radio.
February 3, 2025
Juul Labs, Inc., an American technology and innovation company, commends President Trump’s efforts to protect American citizens through increased enforcement of trade laws and…
January 15, 2025
The FDA’s 2017 Comprehensive Plan laid out a powerful roadmap for reducing smoking rates in America and the associated premature death and disease caused…
September 6, 2024
Juul Labs is encouraged to see another year of continued decline in underage use of vapor products in general, and JUUL products specifically. Overall,…